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A Ho‘olaule‘a of Knowledges

A HO‘OLAULE‘A OF KNOWLEDGES On Friday, February 23, 2018 Hawai‘i Sea Grant’s Center for Integrated Science, Knowledge, and Culture (now Center for Integrated Knowledge Systems) hosted an evening of education and entertainment! Featuring keynote speaker Sir Tīmoti Kāretu, a champion ...

Amouli Village Meeting

In this episode we’re talking about village life in American Samoa. We talk with the mayor of Amouli Village about Samoan village traditions, and we attend a village meeting where climate change and fishing pressures are changing how locals manage ...

Biocultural management of coastal Pandanus forests to mitigate the effects of climate change in Hawai‘i

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Nina Rønsted Co-INVESTIGATORS: Tim Gallaher, Tamara Ticktin, Kalikoaloha Martin PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Tehina Kahikina Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Pandanus (screwpine or hala) forests historically covered large stretches of the Hawaiian coastline, protecting them from ...

Book Review: Kaiāulu Gathering Tides

by Jackie Dudock The tide is rising ahead of the early morning sun on the northeast coast of the Hawaiian island of Kaua‘i. Waves rush singing onto the outer reef where two throw net fishermen stalk the surge. An elderly ...

Building resilient coastal forests through enhancing biocultural research and career pathways

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Leah Bremer Co-INVESTIGATORS: Tamara Ticktin, Kiana Frank, Zoe Hastings Silao PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Sebastian Church Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Well-managed coastal forests, including agroforests, provide important climate adaptation benefits, including erosion control, flood ...

Climigration: A look to the future for environmental migrants

by Amanda MillinNearly three decades ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated that “the gravest effects of climate change may be those on human migration.” Estimates differ widely, but most experts agree that upwards of 25 million people ...

Dr. Rosie Alegado named new director of Sea Grant Center for Integrated Science, Knowledge, and Culture

After serving as associate director since the center’s inception, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position August 8, 2018 (Honolulu, HI) – Dr. Rosie ʻAnolani Alegado, Assistant Professor of Oceanography in the Daniel K. Inouye Center ...

Effects of watershed restoration to traditional Hawaiian land use practices on health of nearshore coral reef ecosystems

 Research Projects 2020-2022 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Rob Toonen Co-INVESTIGATOR: Chris Jury Graduate Fellow: Paolo Marra-Biggs Native Hawaiians used the ahupuaʻa system to successfully manage their natural resources for centuries prior to Western contact. Following Western contact, this land management system was largely abandoned, ...

Enhancing social-ecological resilience and ecosystem services through restoration of coastal agroforestry systems

 Research Projects 2022-2024 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Leah Bremer Co-INVESTIGATORS: Tamara Ticktin, Clay Trauernicht, Natalie Kurashima PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Tressa Hoppe Research Track: Interdisciplinary Agroforestry systems, along with loʻi kalo and other systems, were abundant in historical Hawaiʻi, and there is great ...

From Loss to Recovery to Resilience

by Lurline Wailana McGregorIn 2018, Hurricane Walaka circumvented the Hawaiian Islands before circling back to pass directly over Kānemilohaʻi, also known as the French Frigate Shoals, an atoll 550 miles northwest of Honolulu. It washed away East Island, an 11-acre ...

Green Infrastructure Practices for Hawaii

Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home PRACTICE SUMMARY Permeable surfaces reduce runoff volumes and pollutant loads by allowing stormwater to infiltrate into the ground and through pavement, rather than flowing across it. These surfaces are particularly cost effective in flood-prone ...

Green Infrastructure Recommended Practices for Streamside Homes

Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home The Streamside Guide: Recommendations for Hawaiʻi Owners of land along waterways have the important responsibility to maintain areas of river and stream frontage on their properties. This guidance was created to encourage the application ...

Hawai‘i Sea Grant launches coastal and marine resource management fellowship program

April 8, 2019 (Honolulu, HI) – Today, in honor of Emeritus Professor E. Gordon Grau, the University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program’s (Hawai‘i Sea Grant) visionary former director, a unique graduate student fellowship is being launched in his name ...

Hawai‘i Sea Grant Research Symposium 2021

2020-2021 Sea Grant-supported Principal Investigators (PIs) and their Sea Grant Graduate Fellows will share their research progress to date through brief talks. We hope the symposium spurs discussion and exploration of future research partnerships and how ongoing projects can be ...

Hehihehi management for microbial-mediated sediment removal in fishponds

 Research Projects 2018-2020 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Kiana Frank Sedimentation has been identified as one of the top five challenges for restoration faced by fishpond stewards. It is not clear what the most effective (and cheap) mechanisms are for removing such large ...

Hōkūle‘a Returns

In this episode, we’re at the Mālama Honua celebration in Honolulu, welcoming home the Hōkūle‘a. For three years, the historic polynesian voyaging canoe sailed around the world—using traditional navigation to unite indigenous cultures and inspire stewardship to care for our ...

Huli ‘ia

Huli ‘ia is an observational process documenting seasonal changes and shifts across entire landscapes, ma uka to ma kai (from the mountains to the ocean). Developed by Na Maka o Papahānaumokuākea, the Huli ‘ia process documents these natural changes over ...

Huli ‘ia: Observing the Changing Landscape

by Pelika Andrade Huli ‘ia is an observational process documenting seasonal changes and shifts across entire landscapes, ma uka to ma kai (from the mountains to the ocean). Developed by Na Maka o Papahānaumokuākea, the Huli ‘ia process documents these ...

Hurricane with A History

Hawaiian Newspapers Illuminate an 1871 Storm How 114 years of Hawaiian-language newspapers starting in 1834 extend our knowledge of natural disasters into the nineteenth century and to precontact times ...

ʻAha ʻIke Pāpālua – 2020 Report

In January 2020, we came together in a visioning ʻAha - to assemble around the questions of who, what, and why our Sea Grant Center of Excellence should focus its time, energy, and efforts. In this period of change, the ...

Integrating climate science with local knowledge through community vulnerability assessment on Kauaʻi

 Research Projects 2018-2020 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Daniele Spirandelli Graduate Fellow: Alisha Summers Like many low-lying coastal regions of the world, the County of Kauaʻi in Hawaiʻi is vulnerable to the impacts of present and future hazards associated with climate change. While ...

Integration of next-generation sequencing into traditional Hawaiian practices to improve management and restoration of fishponds

 Research Projects 2016-2018 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Robert Toonen Graduate Fellow: Kaleonani Hurley Hawaiian fishponds, or loko iʻa, are ancient aquaculture systems that are models of sustainable aquatic resource management based on long-term experience from traditional Native Hawaiian practices. There is much ...

Ka Pili Kai Fall 2016

Center of Excellence: Coastal and Climate Science and Resilience Center of Excellence: Marine Science Education Center of Excellence: Smart Building and Community Design Center of Excellence: Sustainable Coastal Tourism Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation To address the needs, ...

Ka Pili Kai Ho‘oilo 2018

Click on the cover image to view the full issue. Welcome to our inaugural issue of the new Ka Pili Kai! Embracing knowledge from generations past and present: For our dedicated readers who have been receiving and reading our quarterly ...

Ka Pili Kai Ho‘oilo 2019

Click on the cover image to view the full issue. Limu Gifts from the Sea The legendary Dr. Isabella (Izzie) Kauakea Aiona Abbott, fondly (and aptly) nicknamed “The First Lady of Limu,” would have celebrated her 100th birthday this year ...

Ka Pili Kai Ho‘oilo 2020

Click on the cover image to view the full issue. How Will COVID-19 Shape Our Future This issue discusses some of the impacts of COVID-19 in Hawai'i and explores what they might mean for our future. All of us at ...

Ka Pili Kai Kau 2019

Click on the cover image to view the full issue. Ola I Ka Wai Water is Life The myriad issues surrounding water – water rights and law, water availability, changing climate and rainfall patterns, and understanding our aquifers in Hawai‘i ...

Ka Pili Kai Kau 2020

Click on the cover image to view the full issue. Community is Resilience Lucky we live Hawai‘i… as the local saying goes! In Hawai‘i, we’re blessed with an incredible environment with steep lush mountains and deep valleys sloping down to ...

Knowledge of the Past

We meet with elders from the island of Moorea, in French Polynesia. We learn about the Te Pu 'Atiti'a Center and how it is helping to perpetuate local knowledge and traditions. The elders tell us about changes to the ocean ...

Kūlana Noiʻi

ABOUT Place-based stewards in the Heʻeia ahupuaʻa expressed a need for a set of guidelines to help ensure that research projects focused in Heʻeia engage in equitable and reciprocal partnership with those connected to and caring for the ahupuaʻa. In response to ...

Kūlana Noiʻi

Place-based stewards in the Heʻeia ahupuaʻa expressed a need for a set of guidelines to help ensure that research projects focused in Heʻeia engage in equitable and reciprocal partnership with those connected to and caring for the ahupuaʻa. In response to this ...

Loko Iʻa Needs Assessment

This report is the first comprehensive compilation of the research ideas and needs within the community of fishpond managers, landowners, and stewardship organizations to inform adaptation of fishpond practices toward their resilience, adaptation, and sustainability in the face of a ...

Marine and Coastal Scientists as Artists

The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant) is delighted to announce its second annual Sci-Art exhibit entitled Marine and Coastal Scientists as Artists at The ARTS at Marks Garage located in Honolulu’s Chinatown Historic District. This exhibit will feature 30 artists who are ...

Marine and Coastal Scientists as Artists Closing Night

The sci-art exhibit will close on November 24 and host a screening along with a talk story.  The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant) kicked off its second annual sci-art exhibition on November 3 at ...

Ola I Ka Wai Water is Life

by Lurline Wailana McGregorI ka wā kahiko (in ancient times), before western contact in Hawaiʻi, there was no such thing as private ownership of the land or water or any other natural resource that gave life to the people. Such ...

Old Newspapers, New Lessons

by James Brancho It was the late summer of 1871, and a strong hurricane had just rambled over the islands of Hawaiʻi and Maui. It scattered buildings, snapped old trees, and flooded the land. Many residents were getting to work ...


Pacific Region Aquaculture and Coastal Resource Hub TERM: Wai / Waiwai MEANING: Water. Collective wealth. ICON: Depicts a waterfall or the flow of water from mountain to ocean. Water comes from the mountains and runs down cliffs. It offers wealth ...

Podcast #2: Resilient Communities

Dr. Daniele Spirandelli and Alisha Summers work with Kauaʻi communities to develop assessments of their vulnerability to developing coastal hazards associated with climate change. Read more about their project here ...

Podcast #8: Microbial Mechanisms

Dr. Kiana Frank combines modern microbial biology with traditional fishpond management techniques to explore sediment removal from Hawaiian fishponds. Read more about her project here ...

Puakea: The Consummate Kumu

by James Brancho Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier retired from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in May after 35 years in front of the classroom. A dedicated teacher with high expectations, he worked throughout educational settings in Hawaiʻi to foster a ...


Join us on Friday November 1st at The ARTS at Marks Garage for Refuse REFUSE opening night! Meet the artists, enjoy pūpū from Da Spot, and live music by Sarah Woo. Celebrate creativity and community while exploring the impacts of ...

Renewing Community with Stacy Sproat-Beck

by Lurline Wailana McGregorStacy Sproat-Beck was raised in Kalihiwai, a small village between Kilauea and Hanalei on the North Shore of Kauaʻi. “It was an idyllic childhood of hukilau, farming, roaming the mountains, and swimming in the stream in what ...

Rising Oceans, Disappearing Waters

by Josh McDanielThe 29 atolls and five low islands of the Republic of the Marshall Islands are distinctive in both their remoteness in the central-western Pacific and the seeming precariousness of the impossibly tiny slivers of land that make up ...

Science and Stories

The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant) is delighted to announce its second annual Science and Stories Seminar Series! When: November 4, 11, 18, and 25: doors open at 5:30pm and talks are from 6:00pm-7:00pm Who: Sea Grant ...

Science by the Sea Seminar Series

The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant) is delighted to announce its second annual Science by the Sea Seminar Series! When: November 6, 13, and 20: doors open at 5:30pm and talks are from 6:00pm-7:00pm Who: Sea Grant graduate ...

Sciences and the Sacred: Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Knowledge Stewardship

Sciences and the Sacred is a series designed to create safe, generative spaces for the University of Hawaiʻi community to come together in dialog about complex issues and explore topics from various knowledge systems. In Spring 2022 the seminar series ...

Sciences and the Sacred: Conversations on Maunakea

Sciences and the Sacred: Conversations on Maunakea This seminar series will foreground discussions of contemporary issues surrounding Maunakea by providing our UH community with a common understanding of why Maunakea is sacred from multiple perspectives. Each seminar will pair a ...

Sea Grant awards $8.1 million to strengthen community resilience nationwide

Sea Grant awards $8.1 million to strengthen community resilience nationwide   February 2, 2023 (Honolulu, HI) – To build on Sea Grant’s nationwide initiatives to improve coastal community resilience, NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program recently announced two complementary initiatives ...

The Limu Eater – A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed

Vintage Reprint Available in October 2022 This reprint of The Limu Eater is the product of a partnership between Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo (KUA) and the University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawai‘i Sea Grant), who worked collaboratively to support ...

The Return of Kū‘ula: Restoration of Hawaiian Fishponds

by Josh McDaniel According to Hawaiian moʻolelo (oral traditions), Kūʻula built the first Hawaiian fishpond, or loko iʻa, on the island of Maui. Kūʻula was a fisherman of rare skill who is described as having supernatural powers for directing and ...

Translating Hawaiian Newspapers

In this episode, we’re learning about the translation of Hawaiian Language Newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s. We take a look at the University of Hawai‘i Institute for Hawaiian Language Research and Translation with Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier and his team, ...

Two Hawai‘i Sea Grant fellows gain hands-on policy experience in disaster management, ecosystem restoration

Two Hawai‘i Sea Grant fellows gain hands-on policy experience in disaster management, ecosystem restoration   October 21, 2022 The 2022 cohort of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant Grau Fellows will focus on national disaster preparedness and restoring healthy watersheds through Hawai‘i-based host ...

Updated guidance on best practices for community-embedded research in Hawaiʻi

Updated guidance on best practices for community-embedded research in Hawaiʻi   November 1, 2021 A groundbreaking publication that seeks to build more just and generative relationships between researchers and community members was recently updated to better reflect the nuances and ...

Voice of the Sea features Hōkūle‘a’s Historic Voyage and Homecoming

August 23, 2017 The television series Voice of the Sea will feature the inspirational Hōkūle‘a voyage and homecoming on Sunday, August 27 at 6:00pm. In this historic episode, we celebrate with original Hōkūle‘a builder and crew member John Kruse, navigator ...

Voyages of Rediscovery and Discovery

by Randolph Fillmore Thousands of years ago, people indigenous to the Pacific Islands traveled in large sea-going canoes, covering huge expanses of ocean. Exploring, trading, and settling newly found islands, including today’s Hawaiian Islands, these people carried their culture with ...

Xeriscaping Conserving Water One Garden at a Time

by Jackie DudockFrom Denver to Honolulu In 1981, inspired by a passion for water conservation and public education, a special task force of the Denver Water Department, Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, and Colorado State University kicked-off what became a ...