“Like the Whole Ocean Was Coming at You”
by Josh McDanielThe science of tsunamis has expanded in leaps in recent decades. From advances in detection and alert systems to coastal inundation modeling and mapping, we now know more about the seismic forces that trigger tsunamis and can forecast ...
Building Resilience to Coastal Hazards and Climate Change in Hawai‘i
NOAA FY16 Coastal Resilience Grant and cooperative agreement with Hawaiʻi Sea Grant in partnership with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources and Office of Planning Project duration: May 2016 – April 2021 Questions? Brad Romine: ...
Community Means Resilience
by Natasha VizcarraDays before Hurricane Iniki slammed into the island of Kauaʻi in 1992, condominium and apartment managers went door-to-door to make sure their residents were preparing for the storm. Hours before the storm struck, motorists honked their horns in ...
Economic impacts of severe weather events
Research Projects 2022-2024 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Peter Fuleky Co-INVESTIGATORS: Makena Coffman, Nori Tarui, Victoria Keener Sea Grant Graduate Fellow: Sadichchha Shrestha, Luke Miller Research Track: Interdisciplinary There is clear scientific evidence that climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather ...
by Sara LaJeunesseOn April 30, 2018, the Puʻu ʻŌʻō cone of the Kīlauea volcano collapsed, triggering an eruption that would last for four months. Over that time, as lava drained for miles underground, long fissures ripped through the Earth’s surface, ...
Facing the Storm
by Mara Johnson-GrohSince the day it was born out of the Pacific, 65 million years ago, Hawaiʻi has been sculpted by storms, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis. In the 21st century Hawai‘i is facing an increasing frequency of ...
Green Infrastructure Glossary
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z A An aquifer is a formation, group of formations, or part ...
Green Infrastructure Practices for Hawaii
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home PRACTICE SUMMARY Permeable surfaces reduce runoff volumes and pollutant loads by allowing stormwater to infiltrate into the ground and through pavement, rather than flowing across it. These surfaces are particularly cost effective in flood-prone ...
Green Infrastructure Recommended Practices for Streamside Homes
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home The Streamside Guide: Recommendations for Hawaiʻi Owners of land along waterways have the important responsibility to maintain areas of river and stream frontage on their properties. This guidance was created to encourage the application ...
Green Infrastructure-Runoff + Reuse in the Hawaiian Context
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home As the development of Hawaiʻi's urban and residential areas has increased, the land's natural capacity to absorb rainwater and and filter pollutants has been diminished. The draining and filling of floodplains, including lowland wetlands ...
Green Infrastructure-Stormwater + Flooding in the Coastal Zone
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home Water has sculpted the Hawaiian islands into the beautiful and dramatic archipelago we see today. For millenia, water has fallen from the sky and followed the force of gravity from mountains to sea. This ...
Green Infrastructure-Streamside Recommendations
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home ...
Green Infrastructure-Tools + Resources
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Home The Environmental Protection Agency site on Green Infrastructure. This site contains information to help you build and learn about national partnerships.The National Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) Network is a collection of outreach ...
Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands King Tides Project
About the Project The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program's Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project needs your help to document today's high water level events, also known as King Tides, to better understand tomorrow's impacts from sea-level ...
Hawaiian Islands Sentinel Site Cooperative — About
About the Cooperative Sentinel Sites Featured Projects Partners Resources About the Cooperative The Hawaiian Islands Sentinel Site Cooperative (HISSC) is a collection of four priority sites across the Hawaiian Islands designated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as ...
Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards
What’s New in 4.0 Evacuation Planning – New resources, summarized in Tables can help families create their emergency and evacuation plans. Table 3-5 summarizes this Part of the book and provides interactive links for: (i) tsunami evacuation maps important for ...
Hurricane with A History
Hawaiian Newspapers Illuminate an 1871 Storm How 114 years of Hawaiian-language newspapers starting in 1834 extend our knowledge of natural disasters into the nineteenth century and to precontact times ...
Ka Pili Kai Fall 2016
Center of Excellence: Coastal and Climate Science and Resilience Center of Excellence: Marine Science Education Center of Excellence: Smart Building and Community Design Center of Excellence: Sustainable Coastal Tourism Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation To address the needs, ...
Ka Pili Kai Winter 2016
50 Years of Putting Science to Work for Coastal Communities O‘ahu Maui Hawai‘i Island Kaua‘i Pacific Region 50 Years of Putting Science to Work for Coastal Communities In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed The National Sea Grant College and Program ...
Kauai SP Study Appendix 3
Ongoing Projects
Campus Spatial Survey and Integrated Planning Light Pollution in Hawaiʻi Delamping Initiative Forest City Military Community Energy Efficiency Monitoring Kuykendall Hall Water Resources Working Group ...
Resilient Retrofit, Repair, Rebuild & Recovery Resources
Marshall Fire Mitigation Assessment Team report (MAT) & Technical Advisories The MAT report and 6 technical advisories compiled lessons learned from the 2021 Marshall Fire in Boulder County, Colorado to reduce losses from wildfire, covering topics including: Defensible space in ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation
INTRODUCTION The loʻi paʻakai (salt beds) of Hanapēpē (Salt Pond) is located on the west side of Kaua‘i in the Kona moku, the ahupuaʻa of Hanapēpē, and the ʻili of ʻUkula. For generations Hawaiian families have been harvesting salt at ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – APPENDIX 1 Water Level Sensor Details
APPENDIX 1. Water Level Sensor Details Link to GAIA GPS Shared folder - Water Level Sensors were placed in the field on Aug 20, 2021. Photos in this appendix share more info on the specific coordinates for each node/water ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – APPENDIX 2. A Note About Modeling
APPENDIX 2. A Note About Modeling Why Do We Need Models? Models are useful in understanding of water flow and chemical transport processes and for improving on theories. They are useful for the design field data collection schemes, emphasizing needed ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Discussion
DISCUSSION To better understand hydrology in the area, various research techniques were used including electrical resistivity, analysis of radon concentrations, self-potential tests, hydrologic modeling, and analysis of salt pond water level and salinity changes. Findings indicate that thick (~9 ft) ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Endnotes
ENDNOTES [1] High hydraulic conductivity means the substrate, e.g. basalt, allows water to easily flow through it [2] MacIntyre, S., 1995. “Trace gas exchange across the air-sea interface in fresh water and coastal marine environments.” Biogenic trace gases: Measuring emissions ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Executive Summary
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Hawaiian cultural practice of making salt is one of Hawai‘i’s oldest traditions and Hanapēpē Salt Pond is one of the last places in all of Hawaiʻi that continues this tradition. The area and practice is highly treasured ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Hydrogeophysics
HYDROGEOPHYSICS ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY Methodology 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used to achieve two main objectives: (1) Identify and characterize the subsurface geology of the pond; and (2) Identify locations and quantify the magnitude of subsurface water exchange between ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Hydrologic Modeling
HYDROLOGIC MODELING Methodology The specific objectives of this section are: Develop a conceptual model of the study site. Use available sensor observations to calibrate the related numerical model to mainly estimate hydraulic properties of the area. Apply the model for ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Recommendations
RECOMMENDATIONS Based on ongoing kilo by the salt-making practitioners, it has been observed that wave overtopping of the beach berm occurs during periods of large summer swell and high tides, and the magnitude of overtopping increases when the beach berm ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Water Balance from Geochemical Tracers
WATER BALANCE FROM GEOCHEMICAL TRACERS Figure 9 shows a simplified schematic of the water sources to Salt Pond. Geochemical methods can be used as tracers for some of these sources as they rely on naturally occurring chemical components dissolved in ...
Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation – Water Level Monitoring
WATER LEVEL MONITORING Methodology To identify present hydrodynamic conditions seven real-time water level sensors were deployed at Salt Pond on August 20, 2021 that monitor water level heights in six-minute intervals. In addition to providing data in near-real-time, seasonal or ...
Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Land Use in Hawai‘i
Rising sea levels along Hawai‘i’s shorelines call for state and local governments to take action by means of a wide range of coastal land use policy tools designed to help Hawai‘i successfully adapt to climate change. Hawai‘i is expected to ...
Selected Tools for Awareness and Preparation
by Rachel LentzOften, coping with natural hazard preparation involves being aware of key information pertinent to that event. But sometimes that information may be hard to find or understand. Here are four resources that should prove useful to your own ...
The Storm, the Flood, and the Future
by Jake BuehlerThe afternoon before the flooding, you would have been hard-pressed to find any reason to suspect it was coming. It was an idyllic, mid-April day in Hanalei, Kauaʻi, after all: 79 degrees, a mix of sun and clouds, ...
ThinkTech Hawaii: Hurricane Season Preparation
We can expect stronger and more numerous hurricanes due to climate change. How can Hawaii be prepared for the 2018 hurricane season?. In this episode of Research in Manoa guest Dr. Dennis J. Hwang, JD with the Hawaii Sea Grant ...
West Kauaʻi Community Vulnerability Assessment
About the Project What is a Community Vulnerability Assessment? Participation News & Upcoming Final Report Questions? Ruby Pap: or call (808) 241-4183 West Kauaʻi Community Vulnerability Assessment Final Report Mahalo nui loa for participating in the West Kauaʻi Community ...
WKCVA Report Appendix A
Final Report • Appendix A • Appendix B • WKCVA Project HomeAppendix A provides the finalized VCAPS diagram from each CVA workshop. Please click on the link below to download Appendix A. APPENDIX A: VCAPS CAUSAL DIAGRAMS ...
WKCVA Report Appendix B
Final Report • Appendix A • Appendix B • WKCVA Project Home Appendix B provides the sea level rise exposure maps associated with the report. Please click on the links below to download sea level rise exposure maps for each ...
- Aquaculture
- Beaches
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