About the Project
The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program’s Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project needs your help to document today’s high water level events, also known as King Tides, to better understand tomorrow’s impacts from sea-level rise and other coastal hazards. King Tides provide a window into our future because today’s high tides are tomorrow’s average sea levels. You – our community scientists – can add to our free, publicly accessible and crowd sourced dataset by photographing King Tides at places important to you throughout Hawai‘i and Oceania. Photos, observations, date, time, and location can be submitted through our Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project web platform which you can access through your smartphone or desktop computer.
Your images and data are a significant contribution to community efforts to understand and adapt to rising seas
This publicly accessible online database informs research, policy, and decision making across the state and Pacific region. You can see these critical contributions to our collective place-based knowledge in our public dataset and on our web map.
Please explore this website to learn when and how you can contribute to the King Tides project. Sign up for our email list to stay up to date and receive additional information on the project.
Questions? Check our FAQ or email: kingtide@hawaii.edu
Check out our new and improved photo submission platform!