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Saving the Kiwikiu

We’re in the upper forests of East Maui, in the Nakula Natural Area Reserve, working with the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project to help to restore the Native Hawaiian forest as part of their mission to save nearly extinct birds, like the kiwikiu, the Maui Parrotbill, whose population has plummeted to less than 300. We track birds, plant trees, and learn about the forest in preparation for the kiwikiu release during October and November 2019, which will introduce these birds back into this mesic forest where they were once found.

Watch the trailer for Season 6, Episode 9 on Vimeo or Youtube.

Watch the follow-up episode about the kiwikiu translocation and release from season 7: Saving the Kikiwiu: Part 2.

Telly Awards Winner!

Full Episode

Or watch this episode on YouTube.

Maitau lenei mea i le Samoa ile Vimeo poʻo le YouTube.

Curriculum Connections:

Select a season of Voice of the Sea

Contact information:
Kanesa Seraphin, Ph.D.

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