King tides

King Tides
In this episode, we’re talking about the exceptionally high king tides and citizen science with Senator Brian Schatz. King Tides were widely reported across the state this year, and UH’s Dr. Mark Merrifield explains how sea level rise is increasing ...

Sea Level Rise and the Ala Wai Canal
In this episode, we head inland to take a look at how rising sea level will affect our infrastructure, aquifers, and fresh water supplies. Researchers from the Univerity of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program and the School of Ocean and ...

Center for Coastal & Climate Science & Resilience
The Center Serves To: Support research in coastal and climate sciences and promote access to the best available science for decision makers Increase coastal community resilience to natural hazards and adaptation to climate change Improve conservation and management of coastal ...

Ka Pili Kai Winter 2016
50 Years of Putting Science to Work for Coastal Communities O‘ahu Maui Hawai‘i Island Kaua‘i Pacific Region 50 Years of Putting Science to Work for Coastal Communities In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed The National Sea Grant College and Program ...

Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands King Tides Project
About the Project The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program's Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project needs your help to document today's high water level events, also known as King Tides, to better understand tomorrow's impacts from sea-level ...

What can Hawai‘i expect from the winter king tides?
What can Hawai‘i expect from the winter king tides? November 6, 2017 Hawai‘i will once again be experiencing “king tides,” the highest predicted astronomical tides of the year, in November, December, and January. The University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant Center ...