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Visiting the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

We travel to the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) with students from the Kulia Marine Science Club. HIMB is a world leader in research to understand and conserve tropical marine ecosystems. In recent years, HIMB has also integrated itself into the community, working with local volunteers, schools, and members of the public. Education programs focus on providing rigorous and authentic research experiences for high school and college students as well as for younger students, school groups, and the public.

Watch the trailer for Season 5, Episode 5 on Vimeo or Youtube.

Telly Awards Winner!


Or watch this episode on YouTube
Curriculum Connections:
Additional Resources:

Plankton in Kāneʻohe Bay


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Contact information:
Kanesa Seraphin, Ph.D.

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