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Wesley Crile
Coastal Dune Restoration Specialist
MS Natural Resource Management and Peace Studies, United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica
BA Cultural Anthropology, Eckerd College
Wesley Crile
Phone: (808) 359-3689

363 Hokulani Street
Makawao, Hawai‘i 96768

Wes is a sustainable land use and watershed restoration specialist. He works in a technical advisory role in collaboration with the County of Maui, where his primary focus is managing coastal dune restoration projects. He also works to develop science based best management practices for dune restoration and advises coastal land use planning and conservation efforts throughout the Pacific Region.

Prior to joining Sea Grant, Wes led a number of ridge-to-reef (mauka to makai) ecosystems-based conservation efforts throughout the Main Hawaiian Islands and other Pacific jurisdictions. Projects were designed to restore degraded landscapes and prevent land based pollution from entering the ocean.

Wes is extremely grateful for the opportunity to work across numerous disciplines with a wide array of stakeholders to find creative solutions to environmental and social problems that meet the needs of people as well as the environment.