2525 Correa Road, HIG 205
Honolulu, HI 96822
Maya Walton is the Hawai‘i Sea Grant Program Leader and Research Coordinator. In this role she works closely with the Director and Associate Director to coordinate the development, expansion and delivery of evidence-based research, outreach, and education activities at Hawai‘i Sea Grant. Her work facilitates linkages among Hawaiʻi Sea Grant faculty and staff, university scientists, stakeholders, and communities to integrate all aspects of programmatic efforts. As the research coordinator she acts as a liaison between researchers, Sea Grant extension faculty, and UH Sea Grant and organizes the development and execution of the biennial request for proposals and proposal review. She also serves as the programmatic point of contact for several fellowships managed by Hawai‘i Sea Grant including the Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, Coastal Management Fellowship, Sea Grant Fisheries Fellowship, and the Rappa Fellowship.
Maya completed her MS in zoology at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa where she researched coral reef ecosystem health and marine protected areas in Oahu. In 2014, Maya completed a Knauss fellowship in NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries headquarters office as a member of the Conservation Science Division.