2525 Correa Road, HIG 239
Honolulu, HI 96822
Darren Okimoto, PhD was named associate director of Hawai’i Sea Grant in February, 2015.
Okimoto also serves as the Extension Leader for Hawai’i Sea Grant. He is responsible for the programmatic management of Hawai’i Sea Grant extension faculty and staff and their activities, and also participates in state and regional collaborative projects that focus on Sea Grant focus areas associated with outreach and education.
Okimoto earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in zoology from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and a PhD in biology from the University of Delaware. He was hired by Hawai’i Sea Grant in 2002 as an Extension Specialist and stationed full time in American Samoa for three years at the American Samoa Community College prior to moving back to Hawai‘i in 2005.