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The waves, mountains and rain appear to be in harmony in this small round logo

Hawai‘i Sea Grant awarded $1M for beach and dune management on O‘ahu’s North Shore

Hawai‘i Sea Grant awarded $1M for beach and dune management on O‘ahu’s North Shore On July 8, Governor Josh Green signed HB2248 which appropriates $1M to the University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program to fund the development of a ...

Dolan Eversole to present at Hula Grill Waikiki’s Mālama ʻĀina series in July

HONOLULU (June 20, 2024) - Hula Grill Waikiki will host an educational presentation on sea-level rise and local beach restoration efforts as part of its ongoing Mālama ʻĀina series. On Thursday, July 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., all are ...

Hawai‘i Sea Grant and American Samoa Community College awarded nearly $1.8 million to build resilient workforce

The funding is part of a $60 million Inflation Reduction Act Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative (Honolulu, HI) – Today, the Department of Commerce and NOAA announced that $60 million was awarded through the Climate-Ready Workforce for Coastal and Great Lakes States, ...
A dim reefscape contrasts bright healthy corals with dingy, sediment covered outcrops.

Mapping coral response to water quality stressors to improve coral restoration planning and ridge-to-reef management

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Lillian J. Tuttle Raz Co-INVESTIGATORS: Megan J. Donahue, Kim Falinski Sea Grant Graduate Fellow: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Successful reef restoration requires detailed, site-specific information on the tolerances to prevailing environmental threats of ...
Plant covered dunes end in abrupt meter-high drop-offs to a narrow remnant of beach washed by low surf, as beachgoers sit, walk, and play along the eroded shoreline.

Estimating the economic value of coastal tourism under climate change using revealed mobile phone network data

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Nori Tarui Co-INVESTIGATORS: Takahiro Tsuge, Takahiro Kubo Sea Grant Graduate Fellow: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Tourism is one of the leading drivers of economic activity in Hawaiʻi, with beaches and ocean recreation making ...
Community value-based management of coastal Pandanus forests to mitigate the effects of climate change in Hawai‘i

Community value-based management of coastal Pandanus forests to mitigate the effects of climate change in Hawai‘i

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Nina Rønsted Co-INVESTIGATORS: Tim Gallaher, Tamara Ticktin, Kalikoaloha Martin PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Pandanus (screwpine or hala) forests historically covered large stretches of the Hawaiian coastline, protecting them from storm ...
Developing design flood elevations and envisioning sea-level rise adaptation strategies for a densely developed coastal community, Waikīkī, Hawai‘i for improved outcomes for communities, economy, and the stewardship of marine resources

Developing design flood elevations and envisioning sea-level rise adaptation strategies for a densely developed coastal community, Waikīkī, Hawai‘i for improved outcomes for communities, economy, and the stewardship of marine resources

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Wendy Meguro Co-INVESTIGATOR: Charles Fletcher Sea Grant Graduate Fellow: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Since 2020, the interdisciplinary research team has enhanced Hawai‘i’s resilience by gathering feedback from hundreds of community members to create ...
A framework to elucidate historical dynamics and support adaptive management on Hawaiian coral reefs

A framework to elucidate historical dynamics and support adaptive management on Hawaiian coral reefs

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Lisa McManus Co-INVESTIGATORS: Yoshimi Rii, Kawika Winter, Ryan Okano, Sophia Rahnke PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability The global decline of coral reef environments poses complex challenges for researchers, managers, and coastal ...
A few healthy corals are scattered across a landscape of unhealthy encrusted and porous reef structures

Assessing the sensitivity of coral reef accretion and bioerosion to acidification and eutrophication

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Andrea Kealoha Co-INVESTIGATOR: Katie Shamberger PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Research Track: Ocean Acidification Coral reefs are threatened by a range of stressors, including those related to global climate change and local land-use. These stressors decrease coral ...
Effects of climate-driven increases in sediment delivery on coral reef ecosystem productivity and accretion: Developing predictive models for management priorities across Maui

Effects of climate-driven increases in sediment delivery on coral reef ecosystem productivity and accretion: Developing predictive models for management priorities across Maui

 Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Andrea Kealoha Co-INVESTIGATOR: Craig Nelson PI-CASC Graduate Scholar: Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Climate change is increasing sediment delivery to Hawaiian coral reefs. However, differences in the source, composition, and ecological impacts of sediments ...

Learn more about the Coastal & Climate Change.


Center for Coastal & Climate Science
2525 Correa Road, HIG 238
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-3013

Mark Merrifield, Ph.D.

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