Coastal hazards

Resilient Retrofit, Repair, Rebuild & Recovery Resources
Marshall Fire Mitigation Assessment Team report (MAT) & Technical Advisories The MAT report and 6 technical advisories compiled lessons learned from the 2021 Marshall Fire in Boulder County, Colorado to reduce losses from wildfire, covering topics including: Defensible space in ...

Estimating the economic value of coastal tourism under climate change using revealed mobile phone network data
Research Projects 2024-2026 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Nori Tarui Co-INVESTIGATORS: Takahiro Tsuge, Takahiro Kubo Sea Grant Graduate Fellow: Albert Yee Research Track: Island Resilience and Sustainability Tourism is one of the leading drivers of economic activity in Hawaiʻi, with beaches and ocean ...

Salt Pond Hydrogeologic Investigation Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i
The Hawaiian cultural practice of making salt is one of Hawai‘i’s oldest traditions and Hanapēpē Salt Pond is one of the last places in all of Hawaiʻi that continues this tradition. The area and practice is highly treasured and protected ...

Economic Valuation of changes in Waikīkī Beach characteristics
Executive Summary Waikīkī Beach accounted for some $7.8 billion in visitor expenditures in 2019, representing 38% of total visitor expenditures statewide. Though the economic value of Waikīkī Beach is considered to be substantial, few studies have estimated the value in ...

Sneaking up on mud
by Becca Lensing In between mud sample collections, Uncle Clay Ching, of Hallelujah Hou fishing on Molokaʻi, gave us a crash course on throw net fishing on one of the largest fringing reef flats in the world. He taught us ...

Ka Pili Kai Kau 2022
Click on the cover image to view the full issue. Cultivating sustainability through aquaculture ʻO nā loko iʻa, ʻo ia nō kekahi mau mea hiluhilu o ka Pae ʻĀina ʻo Hawaiʻi, a ua hana maoli ʻia e ka poʻe kahiko ...

The Three ‘Io Brothers and The Rising Tide
by Keri Kodama On a bright summer day on the Island of Hawai‘i, the three ‘Io brothers packed their bags and got ready to leave for a well-earned vacation. They were on their way to visit their old friend ‘Apapane ...

Science and design collide: Benefits of interdisciplinary research and collaboration
by Jojo Briones Those concerned about the future of Waikīkī span many perspectives: government officials, architects, community leaders, engineers, hotel managers, educators, scientists, and residents. Representatives from all these backgrounds came together recently for a virtual community outreach series to ...

An Architect’s Toolkit: Waikiki and Future Sea-level Rise
by Ireland R. CastilloAs a budding architect, my tools of preference include some paper, pencils, pens of varying thicknesses, and the most high-tech tool, my ipad which condenses all the previous tools into one. But, even more important than any ...

Hawaiʻi Dune Restoration Manual
The Hawaiʻi Dune Restoration Manual was written and created by the University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant). Hawaiʻi Sea Grant supports and conducts innovative research, education, and extension services toward the improved understanding and stewardship of ...