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Envisioning In Situ Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies for a Densely Developed Coastal Community, Waikīkī

Co-INVESTIGATOR: Charles Fletcher
Graduate Fellows:
Josephine Briones, Ireland Castillo,
Graduate Research Assistants: Eric Teeples, Gerry Failano
Junior Research Assistants: Aiko Tells, Desiree Malabed
SOEST Partners: Georgina Casey
Sea Grant Partners:
Eileen Peppard, Dolan Eversole, Melanie Lander
Rendering Tutors
: Christopher Lomboy, Andrew Tang

Waikīkī, the economic hub of Hawai‘i’s tourism, is located at low elevation, adjacent to the ocean. It is threatened by flooding for multiple reasons: sea level rise, high tide flooding, high wave events, and/or periods of rain. There are anecdotal reports of basements and parking garages that flood regularly in Waikīkī under present conditions. As a major tourist destination, Waikīkī is too important to immediately retreat from sea level rise and will need to rely on an “in-place” adaptation strategy. Until this project started, no such strategy had been described in detail.

Response: This project is providing visionary and quantitative details to move the adaptation discussion forward. This research converges science with design to create conceptual design renderings as part of the near-term research to help visualize sea level rise adaptation methods, compel community discussion, and motivate large-scale decision making toward a positively adaptive built environment in densely developed coastal communities. In addition, the team is creating and will share the design brief used to guide the conceptual designs, which are based on input from stakeholders, precedent studies’ best practices, and emerging resilience guidelines.

Result: A design brief and initial renderings of adaptation strategies were drafted. Four two-hour workshops were held in 2021 with a wide range of stakeholder participants. Based on stakeholder input, two graduate fellows have created new renderings depicting adaptation strategies for two sites in Waikīkī with estimated sea level rise by the years 2050 and 2100. These renderings were presented in a public webinar on April 1, 2022. Using methods and feedback from the 2021 and 2022 project developments, two graduate research assistants, one climate resilience specialist, and one junior research assistant depicted a third site, which is located along the coast. The team created coastal, open space, and building and street renderings. Their work was presented in a webinar hosted on June 22, 2023. The project continues as the team reviews feedback and formalizes research for submission to academic journals.



In October 2024, Envisioning Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies for a Dense Coastal Community, Waikiki, HI earned a 2024 Honor Award in the “Unbuilt and Theoretical Projects” category of the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards.

Read more HERE.

In August 2024, Beachfront Sea Level Rise Adaptation earned a 2024 Award of Merit in the “Unbuilt” category of the AIA Honolulu 66th Annual Design Awards. Read more HERE.

In September 2023, Envisioning Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Waikiki, HI earned an honorable mention in the “Urban Design” category of the 2023 APA-Hawaii Chapter Awards.

Read more HERE.

In July 2023, Beachfront Sea Level Rise Adaptation was awarded the 2023 Mayor’s Choice Award in the “Unbuilt” category of the AIA Honolulu 65th Design Awards. Read more HERE.

In September 2022, Envisioning Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies in Waikīkī, HI was recognized as a “honorable mention” in Northwest and Pacific AIA Honors and Design Awards category “Unbuilt.” Read more HERE.

In September 2022, Envisioning Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies in Waikīkī, HI was recognized as a “distinguished entrant” in the American Institute of Architects Honolulu Honors and Awards category “(Non-Commissioned Theoretical Work) – Unbuilt.” Read more HERE.


In November 2024, the article, “Envisioning In-Situ Sea Level Rise Adaptation for Coastal Cities” was published in the journal Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD). Volume 8, Issue 2: Coding. Read more HERE or download the PDF.

In May 2024, the article, “Co-Innovating for Integrated Research, Teaching, and Outreach in Sea Level Rise Adaptation” was published in the journal Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD). Volume 8, Issue 1: Climate. Read more HERE or download the PDF.

In April 2024, the article, “A Visionary Approach to Advancing Sea Level Rise Adaptation in an Urban Coastal Community, Waikīkī, Hawai‘i” was published in the journal Oceanography Special Issue Sea Grant: Science Serving America’s Coastlines and People. Read more HERE or download the PDF.

In March 2024, the article, “A Science and Community-Driven Approach to Illustrating Urban Adaptation to Coastal Flooding to Inform Management Plans” was published in the journal Sustainability Special Issue Sea-Level Rising—Coastal Vulnerability and Adaptation Management. Read more HERE.

In April 2023, the poster, “Envisioning Adaptation to Sea Level Rise In Waikīkī, HI” was presented at and published in the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) 2023 International Conference: The Research-Design Interface proceedings, HERE on page 839.”

2023 Presentation of Site-Specific Application of Flood Adaptation Strategies

The third focus site in Waikīkī is along the coast, and the renderings explore potential flood adaptation options for the iconic coastal area. Coastal, open space, transportation, and building adaptations were presented in renderings by team members Georgina Casey, Gerry Failano, Eric Teeples, and Desiree Malabed. Following presentations, a Q&A with expert panelists Lisa Rapp (architect, principal at AHL) and Joel Kurokawa (landscape architect, principal at Ki Concepts) proceeded, and audience interaction was encouraged through chat functions and poll questions.

The event was hosted by The University of Hawaiʻi, Sea Grant College Program Center for Smart Building and Community Design, in collaboration with the School of Architecture’s Environmental Research and Design Lab (ERDL) and the School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology on Thursday, June 22, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM.

Future building design for Makai ocean side property
Future building design for Makai Open space
Future building design concept for a Makai St building

2022 Presentation of Site-Specific Application of Flood Adaptation Strategies

University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program graduate research fellows, Josephine Briones and Ireland Castillo, from the School of Architecture presented architectural renderings depicting potential sea level rise adaptation strategies for two sites in Waikīkī. Expert panelists, Lisa Rapp (architect, principal at AHL) and Randall Wakumoto (engineer, Honolulu Department of Facility Maintenance) discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies as they apply to each site. The audience of 121 stakeholders was polled for opinions. Questions and comments were taken from the audience.

If you missed the webinar, you can view the on-demand webinar recording. If you would like to earn an AIA continuing education learning unit (HSW) for the webinar, please fill-out the webinar poll. The links are on the buttons below.

animated gif of building concept along the Ala Wai canal

2021 Stakeholder Workshop on Potential Flood Adaptation Strategies

If you missed our 2021 workshops, you can view the on-demand webinar made from a workshop recording. A total of 71 stakeholders attended the workshops in 2021. Stakeholder comments from the break-out group discussions were summarized in a report.