Windward Oahu Tourism Assessment
Phase I – Kailua and Waimanalo

Principle Investigator: Dolan Eversole
Co-Investigators: Darren Lerner, Brian Szuster
Project Contact Information: eversole@hawaii.edu
(808) 956-9780
Final Reports
Community Outreach Virtual (Zoom) Meetings
Kailua/Lanikai, Waimanalo Residential Survey Results
Meetings shared survey results and community insights about various proposed solutions to tourism-related problems in the Windward community. Meeting participants registered in advance and were encouraged to share registration links with friends and family. The same meeting material was repeated on both of the following days:
- Monday, November 30th, 5pm-6:30pm (2020)
- Thursday, December 3rd, 5pm-6:30pm (2020)
Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome and project team introductions (5 mins)
2. Project background and scope (10 mins)
3. Kailua resident and visitor survey results (10 mins)
4. Kailua Beach park survey results (15 Mins)
5. Waimanalo resident and visitor survey results (10 mins)
6. Windward Tourism study conclusions and recommendations (10 mins)
7. Group discussion, questions and comments. (30 mins)
Meeting host: Dolan Eversole, eversole@hawaii.edu
The City and County of Honolulu has requested support from the University of Hawai’i Sea Grant Program (Hawai’i Sea Grant) to develop a social impact analysis project to calculate visitor impacts, distinct from area residents at selected Windward O’ahu beach communities. The initial project scope calls for the development of modeling and assessment techniques that are transferable to other high-priority locations. The initial phase of the study includes the Windward, O’ahu communities of Kailua and Waimanalo as a pilot communities for the development of the assessment model. The intent is to scale the research effort to include additional Windward communities and eventually a broader O’ahu assessment.
For the purpose of this initial Windward O’ahu Phase I Assessment, the geographic scope is limited to Kailua and Waimanalo, O’ahu. Subsequent phases potentially include the windward communities of Kāne’ohe, Kualoa and the Windward coast to Ka‘a‘awa. The visitor impacts assessment will have a broad approach to social, economic and environmental impacts but consists of a primary focus on the following sectors: (community social/cultural impacts, transportation assets, infrastructure, natural resource and economic).
➢ Assess social, economic and resource visitor impacts for Windward Oahu.
➢ Evaluate and prioritize potential options to address priority issues.
➢ Implement additional assessments for selected communities island-wide.
➢ Provide comprehensive outreach and education for impacted communities.
➢ Provide a baseline estimate of visitors at representative Windward communities.
➢ Assess visitor impacts to transportation, infrastructure and recreation systems.
➢ Evaluate community perception related to tourism benefits and impacts.
➢ Conduct a comparative analysis of existing data, plans and studies and community surveys that help illuminate the challenges and benefits associated with tourism.
➢ Develop visitor impacts recommendations and implementation strategies.
Please read more in the complete project summary (November 2020)
Learn more about the Sustainable Coastal Tourism.
Center for Sustainable Coastal Tourism
2525 Correa Road, HIG 238
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-7031
Denise Eby Konan, Ph.D.

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