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Center for Smart Building and Community Design Infographic

Center for Smart Building & Community Design

The Center Serves To:

  • Provide knowledge and information on achieving energy, water, and waste independence in community planning and development
  • Conduct research on designs that reduce construction and maintenance costs while reducing environmental impact
  • Engage the university community in reducing campus energy use and water consumption and introduce green building practices

Resulting In:

  • Communities that are economically viable and environmentally sustainable while supporting social and cultural diversity
Signature Projects
Established First Power Purchase Agreement: The first power purchasing agreement rooftop photovoltaic system for the University of Hawai‘i at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology generates 222 kW of electricity, approximately 30% of its energy needs. Savings expected to exceed $2.3 million.
Achieving Smart Growth in Kapolei: 15,000 new housing units were deigned to minimize environmental impact, increase transportation options, and create a more sustainable community.
Sustainability and Resilience in the Ala Wai Watershed: A working partnership addresses community resilience in the Ala Wai watershed and focuses on known natural hazards and risks as well as environmental issues. The Ala Wai watershed, which includes Waikīkī, is the most densely populated watershed in Hawai‘i, accounting for nearly 20 % of O‘ahu’s population.
What is “Smart Building”?
The process of designing and constructing a structure while considering how it will interact with its inhabitants and its environment.
What is “Community Design”?
A holistic approach to development; it is mindful that neighborhoods, towns, and cities can be more sustainable and inclusive in their design.
Please contact us at or (808) 956-7410 if you would like to request a hard copy or pdf of this publication.
Center for Smart Building and Community Design Infographic