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Samuel Chiu
2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow
Samuel Chiu

Mentor: Lillian Tuttle Raz, Pacific Coop Fisheries Research Unit, UH Hilo

Sam is a Hawaiʻi Sea Grant Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow this summer, working on a project to understand the life histories of several surgeonfish species (family Acanthuridae) better. To learn more about these important reef herbivores, he is helping to identify larval surgeonfishes collected in light traps, deploy remotely operated vehicles to detect juvenile surgeonfishes around Hawaiʻi Island, and process surgeonfishes caught by local fishers. This processing includes extracting, preparing, and reading fish otoliths (calcium carbonate structures in the inner ear) to estimate the age and growth of the fish. The research team hopes to improve the knowledge base of at least four surgeonfish species important to local resource managers.